File 0410992L.FDR: 4096 bytes of text header, 67108864 bytes of data, 0 errors found File American 77.fdr: 170 bytes of text header, 25165824 bytes of data, 2 errors found Calculated Hamming code and page parity of 6C7(hex) but found 7FF(hex) in page starting at file offset 38972A(hex) Calculated Hamming code and page parity of 642(hex) but found 7FF(hex) in page starting at file offset 39952A(hex) File DCA02MA001_AAL587_ALL.fdr: 168 bytes of text header, 16777216 bytes of data, 0 errors found File DCA07MA310_AALengOct07.fdr: 170 bytes of text header, 16777216 bytes of data, 0 errors found File PRUEBA.FDR: 4096 bytes of text header, 67108864 bytes of data, 0 errors found File UR-DWH from RUAG Raw Data.FDR: 4096 bytes of text header, 67108864 bytes of data, 0 errors found